Getting injured on the job can have a devastating impact on your ability to work, provide for yourself and your family, and complete typical everyday tasks. Thankfully, each state has workers' compensation laws requiring companies to carry insurance for employees who suffer work-related injuries and/or illnesses.

Whether a slip and fall leads to a broken leg or exposure to a toxic chemical causes a chronic condition, workers' compensation benefits generally provide compensation to cover missed time from work and medical bills. The insurance company might not want to give you the compensation you deserve freely, so it is essential that you speak with an attorney experienced in workers' compensation cases soon after your injury or illness diagnosis. Keep reading to learn about what to do when you are injured on the job.

Notify Your Employer

The first thing you should do after an on-the-job injury or illness is to report it to your employer. States have varying laws requiring the timeline you have to report the accident. Sometimes it can be 30 days or less. Despite the required timeframe, it is best to do so as soon as possible. If you do not notify your employer within the expected time, you could lose rights to a workers' compensation claim.

Seek Medical Attention

Whether you believe you should see a doctor or not, if you are injured at work, you need to consult with a medical professional. You never know how your body might react later, and you want to get it on record that you saw a doctor after your injury.

You are only supposed to see a doctor authorized by the Workers' Compensation Board. Your employer should provide you with a list of medical providers you can see after being told about the injury. However, if your employer is unavailable at the time of the injury, you should go to your nearest emergency room for treatment.

Complete Workers Compensation Documentation

You should receive a packet of information related to workers' compensation from your employer after the injury. If you do not, you can request it from your state's Workers' Compensation Board.

You will complete an official workers' compensation claim with information related to the injury, including the time, date, and location of the accident, other people involved, how it happened, and your medical treatment so far.

Once you complete this paperwork, your employer will file a claim on your behalf with the insurance agency and board of workers' compensation.

The insurance company will contact you regarding if your claim is accepted or not. If it is, they will also let you know the compensation benefits for which you are eligible.

What if You are Denied Workers' Compensation?

While getting workers' compensation benefits should be a simple process, far too often injured employees are denied their benefits. When your claim is denied, you do not have to just accept it and move on. Contact an experienced Workers' Compensation attorney to discuss whether you should file an appeal to get the benefits you rightfully deserve.