A Kansas City man recently joined a class-action lawsuit against the JUUL, a vaping company. The man claims that he began using vaping or electronic cigarettes in high school and quickly became addicted to them. He joins many people around the country who are using JUUL in personal injury lawsuits.

It is extremely easy to become addicted to JUULpods. Each JUULpod is a cartridge of liquid full of nicotine that users plug into a vaping machine. According to experts, vaping one JUULpod is the equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes in terms of the amount of nicotine. If you or a loved one have become addicted to JUUL and have received injuries resulting from your vaping habit, you could be entitled to compensation for your damages.

Find out if you qualify for Juul compensation. Read on the learn more.

JUUL Vaping Pods can Quickly Become Addictive

The man was only 18 years old when he began vaping. He claims that JUUL advertisements caught his eye. He found himself attracted to the way the vapor tastes. JUUL vaping pods come in a variety of sweet, fruity flavors. The Kansas City man currently vapes at least five JUULpods per week and has his vaping device with him nearly constantly.

Vaping JUUL Pods Can Cause Physical Injuries

Unlike cigarettes, JUULpods have only existed for a few years. The long-term effects of smoking significant amounts of JUULpods are not yet known. Long-time users have reported serious medical complications from smoking JUULpods, such as:

  • Lung problems
  • Addiction
  • Serious respiratory problems
  • Multiple reported deaths

If you have serious medical complications from smoking JUULpods, submit a claim now.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control is looking into 380 cases of vaping-related lung illnesses in 36 states as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands. Vaping can cause serious lung problems. In August 2019, an 18-year-old athlete from Illinois became hospitalized after using e-cigarettes for over a year and a half. His doctors report that vaping has caused his lungs to look and perform like those of a 70-year-old.

After conducting a CT scan of the patient’s stomach, the doctors notice serious damage at the bottom part of his lungs. His doctors reported that if he had not come into the hospital within two to three days, he could have died due to his breathing worsening. Doctors described his lung damage as significant. He currently cannot conduct the types of activities he enjoys conducting. He can no longer wrestle in high school and easily gets winded.

Recent Deaths Related to Vaping

On September 17, 2019, CNN reported that a seventh vaping user died from vaping-related causes. Can e-cigarettes cause death? It appears that death can result from serious vaping-related illnesses. California Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced that a 40-year-old man died from e-cigarette complications.

Officials have also reported vaping-related deaths in Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon, and Indiana.  The long-term effects of vaping JUULpods remain to be seen. Nonetheless, hundreds of cases of vaping-related illnesses show the potential health risks of vaping.